its a friday and my children have gone to nursery school - what am i to do? they learnt songs that someone else taught them. Im beggining to get the first feelings that someone must get when their children grow up and leave home?
i've been totally bored for the last few days, home alone, no kids, no bloke.. only a computer and a super-clean house to keep me company.
oh well, at least its given me a chance to write, and on this occasion, to talk about my true feelings about a rather controversial subject..
i found this article in a feminist site that i've read a few times.. for Guttmacher
The Guttmacher Institute has released a mother of a study today revealing that in 2005, the U.S. abortion rate was the lowest it has been since 1974. In other words, the rates continue to decline. The study reveals a number of other interesting (and depressing) findings, like:
* The number of abortion providers is decreasing, yet at a slower rate than previous years
Medication abortion - or mifepristone - use is growing
* More than 1 in 4 abortion patients reports traveling at least 50 miles to reach a provider.
* Nationwide, 87% of counties have no abortion services, a figure that has existed since 2000
They also have a state-by-state guide with abortion rates and access. Check out the full study, "Abortion in the United States: Incidence and Access to Services, 2005." now, the key bit i highlighted here, is that the writer of this article thinks that it is depressing that the abortion rate has decreased..i wondered how could it possibly be depressing?? depressing that more children are not being murdered, having things stuck into their barely formed, fragile and defenceless bodies. Having their life, there existence stolen from them.
this message is to those that have written this article, and to those women whom think abortion is right.. I am writing to give you the choice to say no to murder. I am writing this to give you the choice to do the right thing...
you know, Its not your body, it the childs body.
and, its not your choice. Your choice was to have sex, or to not have it.
Why do you not understand that? why do you seek so hard to destroy what you cared so little in creating? do you only belive in death and destruction? what is it that makes you so desperate to cover up what is such an evil process?
honestly, i am not excusing the fathers, the doctors and all the other people involved, they have their own demons to face. You are not fighting to defend those people, so why are you claiming to be fighting for women's rights, and yet you are happy for women to be murdered in the place they are supposed to feel more safe than anywhere else? inside the uterus. inside the body of the person that feels them closer than any other..
why can you not empathise with the child that was growing inside of you? do you not feel anything?
i can only think you are so intencely selfish that your own life is more valuable to you than that of your own child..
or maybe, is it really, that you have already had an abortion and you hide behind the banner of 'womens rights' to protect your guilt and your conscience? You do not want to come to terms that you are a child killer. who would? its normal, but you are wrong and you are evil. You must not be mistaken about that.
the only answer for you, is to come to terms with who you are, not to make more people into monsters like you..
stop lying to us, you care not about women, but only about yourself. Is it really that you whole struggle is to manipulate people, women, so that they do not see the black hearted person that you really are?
you know what, i think your depressed because more and more people are beggining to see through the abortion issue right down into to the cold black hearts of the people that promote it..
and the last thing i want to say, and i want to say how good, and full of life i feel when i say this, is...
i never had an abortion. I am not a murderer, and I love my children.
i want you to know that, i want you to know how strongly my feelings are against you. I want you to know that i chose life, that i chose caring and that i chose right.
the only way for you to make better, is to come to terms with what you have done. I will welcome you with open arms and with warmth and caring. I want you to teach people why what you did was wrong. I want you to stop the lies and save yourself.
you know, theres a saying in spain, and it think it fits in well here..
if you can't love your children, you can't love anyone.if you ever loved your child that you murdered, you will tell her or him, that you are sorry.. that you were wrong, and that you will not forget them and that you will fight so that they are remembered and that other children do not have to suffer what you have put them through.