Q: is that your real name?
A: Lucia Vega is my pen name, its not my real name
Q: why are you writing this diary?
A: Im stuck in most of the day with two small children. It stops me going mad? or does it make me worse? I want to find if there are any people out there, that can identify with me. Its a difficult one isnt it?
A: Im stuck in most of the day with two small children. It stops me going mad? or does it make me worse? I want to find if there are any people out there, that can identify with me. Its a difficult one isnt it?
Q: do you hate men?
A: no, i can live with them, i can live without them. We dont have any men on planet neptune yet. Some of them are ignorant pigs, and others are wonderful, but hey, thats life.. Im married to an earthling, and he's god. End of.
Q: do you hate men?
A: no, i can live with them, i can live without them. We dont have any men on planet neptune yet. Some of them are ignorant pigs, and others are wonderful, but hey, thats life.. Im married to an earthling, and he's god. End of.
Q: do you hate women?
A: nope
A: nope
Q: are you crazy?
A: i used to think so, but these days im starting to think im pretty normal and boring really. Is that good?
A: i used to think so, but these days im starting to think im pretty normal and boring really. Is that good?
Q: whats it like living on planet neptune?
A: the best, we have no macho men, no aggressive domineering monsters or anything like that. Actually we all sing songs, like the wheels on the bus!
Q: what are you trying to achieve by writing this?
A: I dont know... stay tuned until i find out! We could be some time..
A: I dont know... stay tuned until i find out! We could be some time..
Q: whats your favourite colour?
A: yellowy orange, like the sunset! You can tell alot about a person by their favourite colour.. Whats your favourite colour??
Q: whats the best thing in life?
A: having children and watching them grow, closely followed by having a wardrobe full of clothes that reflect you mood that day.
Q: where's it all going to end?
A: not sure, not thought about ending it yet. Things change don't they?
A: not sure, not thought about ending it yet. Things change don't they?
Q: so, what message are you trying to tell me, Lucia??
A: that you can be my friend, if you want to!
Hey Sweetie,
I am a transvestite. Do you have some unjustified bias against tranvestites?
you should have posted this on the other article about transvestites, but never mind,
Do you have some unjustified bias against tranvestites?
no, absolutely nothing at all. In fact, the opposite.. i tend to get on really well with them. I like your ability to be feminine without having all the paranoia, and insecurity that comes with being a woman.
Im really happy you came here, welcome and how did you find my website??
oh wow, a transvestite!! how cool is that!!
My favourite colour is blue..
It matches my eyes and as a piscean I do love the sea..
thankyou drex
Как говорилось на Seexi.net Я точно знаю только про Георгия Вицина и Вячеслава Невинного, что оба не пили и не курили. Очень хочется знать, а кто ещё из всенародных любимцев и легенд советского кино буквально не пил
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