why do young men withdraw from society?
what a difficult question to answer right??
well im not pretending to be up-to-date on the ins and outs of this question but i can give my own viewpoint from what i can see. I told myself long ago at university that i would never close down my creative thought just because i did not have facts to back it up. It is a recipe for disaster. Human nature and facts, dont mix very well.
what a difficult question to answer right??
well im not pretending to be up-to-date on the ins and outs of this question but i can give my own viewpoint from what i can see. I told myself long ago at university that i would never close down my creative thought just because i did not have facts to back it up. It is a recipe for disaster. Human nature and facts, dont mix very well.
why do men withdraw?
well, to know completely you would have to interview every single one of them, impossible right? yes.. and even if you could, how do you know they are telling the truth? you don't.
so its left to people to theorise isnt it.
i think young men withdraw from society because its been stolen from them. Where these days can a young man express himself?
football? no, women's footballs on the increase isnt it? and its only an elite that perform on tele anyway.
the bar situation. something MRA's never understand about women, is that they only ever notice the ones that catch their eye.
when i was a teenager, like most of my friends, we used to go to the bar, stand around, getting drunk and hope and pray that some guy somewhere would come upto us and start some sort of interaction. It rarely happend, neither to me, or to my friends. The attention always goes to the ones that catch the eye. you know what? ALL the men focus on them, so they are on a hiding to nothing right? only a very small amount of men ever manage to catch this type of women, and it usually ends in tears.
the rest spend their time fighting with the others, and inventing some bravado story about what a man they are, when the truth is, that someone else got the girl. Young men need to recognise this. they need to reinvent what it is to be a failure as a man. You are not a failure, you just dont use your head enough...
i think lots of men grow out of this type of behaviour as they enter their twenties, but rejection by the alpha female, is not constructive is it? so. one reason.
why else might they withdraw? well, they are failing at schools arent they? or, at least, they are being beaten by girls. Im not a woman who will stand here and say girls are equally intellegent as men. In my experience men have a high intellectual level that seldom touches reality. They need the right woman to guide them along the right path, but when that happens they become unstoppable..
well, schools are no longer set up for boys. Read a spanish textbook? its full of pretty pictures, smiling faces.. and to be frank, its crap. To learn a language you need rigid grammar and blank boring exercises. I know this, and obviously feminising everything just turns boys (and to be honest, alot of girls) off. Smiling faces in a spanish book appeals to the lowest common denominator. Boys need to see language in action, they need to feel how it works, not sit in a boring class surrounded by silent and boring girls.
if i was a secondary teacher, i'd make them play football using spanish terms...
'dame el balon!'
'chuta, joder!'
'despeja, cabron!'
thats how some men learn better isnt it? i dont know. not all of them i suppose.
popular culture? well yeah, i watched TV last night and when the ads came on i counted how many adverts where 'gynocentric' (focused on women), at least 50% of them had a female carachter playing the main part. The others didnt really count as being gender based..
granted, i was watching desperate housewives, so its not going to be representative.. perhaps during the big match between man u and chelsea, the adverts are mostly male orientated. i dont know, i'll have to count.
but this isnt good for women either? it just makes us into empty vessels filled with unwanted needs that we can never fulfill.. so we look to men to fill this void created by advertising, and when they cannot, we blame them, and we try to change them until they fill our new found desires. So, nobody wins. The truth is, if it were upto me, i'd shoot the whole lot of advertising companies. Good job its not upto me i suppose..
anyway, what that means, is that men have no role at all in society, and women just consume. again, nobody wins.
however, its not all the fault of women. How many young men do i see when i go to the park with my daughters? not many.
men do not interact with children enough. i cant stress this enough. The male role i suppose does not encompass enough legroom to allow them to smile and enjoy childish games. Most women love being with children because it enables them to be a child again. I think men see this as not part of their role. Its no wonder they dont smile very much.
anyway, is it really true, are men withdrawing from society??
well, suicide levels are clearly very high amongst men. so that would suggest they are, but if you look at all the positions of political power they are almost always occupied by men, white men, normally. Hardly a sign of withdrawal?
no, what i think has happend, is that a 'cliche' or 'elite' of men has taken control of the world, and they dont want anyone else to join their gang. Women have never been allowed into power until now really, but what feminism missed, is that NEITHER were 90% of men.
this is were men and woman have to see our common goal. We are both oppressed by a overpowering class of people. Not just women, not just men. Please, i hope that one day, the MRA's and the feminist, will see their common interests.
i dont know the solution, but first you have to identify the problem.
feminism has also developed in a similar way, we are left with a 'cliche' of women, normally rabid man haters, who dont want anyone to join their club. At least, anyone who disagrees with them.
I dont see any future for women in following feminism at all. Eventually we will end up with the same situation we have now, accept with that cliche of women in charge. The ordinary woman on the street is no nearer to power than she was before.
i see young men walking around, waddling their shoulders, wearing their baggy trousers and oversized jumpers. Their jeans are so low down that i wonder how they stay up. have they withdrawn from society? more and more of them these days carry guns. Only a few months ago a young 17 year old was blown away not more than 1/2 mile away from me. Im scared, it terrifies me that these crazy mindless adolescents have the power to destroy everything that i have built in my life, and my children, for nothing other than a testosterone impulse.
i suppose im lucky, they look at me and dont see a threat. How could i be threatening to them? i wierdo woman walking down the street with a buggy and two small kids?
well, that 17 year old wasnt so lucky. Young men must be terrified to walk around these days. Each one of them so wants to prove what a man they are, and they now increasingly have the power to destroy. is this a sign of withdrawal? yes, they feel so desperate inside themselves that they have no value for either their own life, or that of someone else.
what has happend to them to become like this? what is missing from mens lives that they hate life so much?
why are they not taking part and instead killing themselves and each other?
i can't answer this question alone, i can only speculate and i think i do it badly alot of the time. I'm well aware of that having visited enough MRA websites and been called every name under the sun.
so, im a feminist am i? well.. listen to this..
rape is a primary destroyer of masculinity. I suppose most men, if they were allowed would go around raping, or at least, trying to have sex with as many women as possible.
rape, yes its a law that represses masculinity isnt it? perhaps they would all feel better if they could get the sexual release they strive for so much.
well.. i think the first step to sorting out the problem with men, is legalising prostitution. If they want to fuck, let them.. they have to pay for it and its not a problem, some women enjoy it. I've no idea how they can enjoy it, but they do. Good for them.
i think the reason it's illegal, is it maintains the ordinary man from thinking about moving up in the world. he is too bothered about getting rid of his sexual needs, and will do anything to get a release that is missing, blow people away, slit his wrists, screw up his school work. Anything.
so, thats the first step. after that, its upto men to decide, i cant help them.
1. Give fathers the right to see their own children - no ifs or buts.
2. Lower taxes, so men are better able to provide for themselves and their families.
3. Bring back proper educational standards.
4. Encourage proper marriage, and attack the divorce industry.
5. Drop all the crazy hysteria that makes men wary about even being seen around children, let alone interacting with them.
6. Make society more FAIR again, in order that those who work hard and act decently are rewarded and do well, in contrast to the current system which rewards laziness, corruption and immoral behaviour.
7. Ban the deliberate creation of a child with no father. Acknowledge that, wherever humanly possible, every child has the right to a father, or at the very least to know his father.
8. End 'positive discrimination' against men in the workplace.
9. End political correctness in the police force, and get the police back to doing proper police work.
All those would be a start. We don't need more prostitution to help the next generation of boys, we just need a fairer, more civilised society.
And, by the way, none of these things are going to be happening in the near future unless the men's movement is supported massively. Therefore, if that doesn't happen, things are going to get a lot, lot worse before they improve. Think, for example, of how many young men currently create computer viruses. Okay, now imagine in the near future, those kind of pissed off young men are going to have the technology to create REAL viruses. And that is only just the beginning. If today's young men are growing up with society having turned its back on them, many of them will grow into highly pissed off men, with a 'nothing-to-lose' mentality.
Therefore, women don't have anything to fear from supporting the men's movement. But they should be scared of what will happen if the men's movement DOESN'T start to have more influence. If we continue alienating young men in our own countries and aboard, our future looks pretty grim.
And remember anyway, that feminist white western women are only a tiny minority of the world's population. And a fast shrinking minority at that. The populations of the West are shrinking, whist those of other countries are growing, and they have a thirst for education and economic advancement. This century we will almost certainly become poorer and less powerful in comparison to them. Who knows, for example, what a Muslim dominated or Chinese dominated world might look like? In many ways, it might be more civilised and less materialistic than our current one. But I can tell you this: they will not have the same respect for human rights that western men - who feminists so demonise - have. In coming years western women will regret bitterly that they did not support their own men and their own civilisation.
Legal or illegal prostitution is no solution for problems of young men.
A young man, who wants to be on the safe side, has no reason to link himself with the present feminist society in USA and Europe. There are only disadvantages.
Laws are clearly against the man, favoring the woman in any aspect of daily life - even in case of severe wrongdoing by her.
About father's right, the question is if you are really the biological father or a victim of widespread paternity fraud. Financially there is no difference, as you have to pay anyway during your marriage, but also after divorce.
Within a family, the husband/father is basically nothing anymore but an ATM. If he cannot pay anymore, he will be replaced with another man, should he be unwilling to move out of his house, he will face false domestic violence allegations.
To be on the safe side, legally and financially, the only what a young man can do is to withdraw from the WESTERN society.
He might get on a plane and look for a foreign wife to avoid isolation.
He also might concentrate in work and savings and later on moving out of the feminist region.
My advice: Avoid prostitution -
why should a man, who has honest intention to create a family, pay for sex?
the only reason i said legalised prostitution might be the first step, is that i hear lots of men complaining about women using sex to get financial/material rewards? im right arent i?
well, if you take away their power to control sex, they have no power and perhaps might concentrate on being better people instead?
im not saying men should use prostitutes, but i think it would give them, you, some kind of threat of your own.
she cant stop giving you sex, but you can get it somewhere else, whenever you want.
kinda even things out a bit??
although i have to say, any relationship that has got to the point of a woman using sex as a weapon, is seriously flawed.
any man that is involved in a relationship like that should leave it.
women clearly can go longer without sex, than men? but, it doesnt mean that no sex, is healthy for women.
"Drop all the crazy hysteria that makes men wary about even being seen around children, let alone interacting with them."
darren - i totally agree with you here, its absolutely disgusting what has happened lately regarding men and children.
im one woman that is absolutely disgusted by the way men have become labelled as potential paedophiles, or whatever.
i've said as much as i can, wherever i am, that all women should stand up for their men whenever they read, or here this shit, either in the papers or with friends, or in maternity sessions.
i've seen men with kids lots lately, and they are generally brilliant. they should be involved far more with young children.
"In coming years western women will regret bitterly that they did not support their own men and their own civilisation. "
i agree with you darren again.
yohan - what happens when feminism takes hold in those places too?
i dont think you can run forever.
yohan you have been clever and managed to avoid what you see as a problematic relationship with western women, so you should be happy with yourself
Its difficult to know what effect legalising prostitution would have. I think if a man really wants a prostitute he'll probably find one now, and the law isn't all that much of a problem. You could say that it would make it cheaper, as more women might get into it (increased competition), but then it would also be subject to tax, so the price might not change that much. I've never been with a prostitute, but I know how much they are, and they are pretty expensive, especially if you want one for the whole night.
I think a bigger effect will be felt eventually by the proliferation of porn, and then by the introduction of artificial wombs.
yohan - what happens when feminism takes hold in those places too?
i dont think you can run forever
Just read, what Darren said: And remember anyway, that feminist white western women are only a tiny minority of the world's population.
Yes, feminism is serving only a certain group of women, ignore them!
As man, you need to look for a foreign wife, who was grown up in a family-friendly environment without feminist ideology.
The world is not only Northern America and Western Europe. Take a look to Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe and do not forget the growing influence of Islam.
great yohan,
when you have female children, what are you going to do? teach them that men are more important than them and they should spend their lives running around after a man? serving his needs and ignoring their own?
I have 2 daughters, 24 and 29 y.o. university educated, and I take care for a foster girl, now 11 y.o. - my daughters have full-time jobs, however they are no Western feminists. They do not have any intention to cheat on men and to extort money from them. My younger daughter is already married, no need for her to run after a man.
BTW, to take care of your husband does not automatically mean you ignore your own needs as you suggest. It is possible to consider your husband and to enjoy your own life at the same time. If you cannot do that as a woman, better stay single and buy some cats.
i have a good relationship with my husband i dont think that either of us feel the other is taking advantage, and i dont like looking after cats..
perhaps yohan, you have pointed out another possible solution for men to escape from this problem they are having, to avoid western women.
but, also be aware that without feminism, neither of your daughters would have been allowed to go to university,
they are both in full time work, because feminism fought for women to have those rights. they do not need to extort money from men, because they can earn it for themselves, thanks to feminism..
feminism is not all bad, i think the way forward is to learn from its mistakes, and progress for both men and women.
alot of MRA's are just as extreme as some of the nastier more recent feminists, why should any woman support a mans movement, intent on destroying her rights, just for the sake of revenge.
the more sensible amongst us need to look for where feminism went wrong for men, and for women, and try and fix it.
men also have to start thinking about what is so wrong for them, that they are withdrawing from society.
Thats rubbish that without feminism women wouldn't be allowed to work or attend university!
I can see its a total waste of time talking to you as you are living in a dream world. You've got no real interest in improving the lives of men and boys, a fact revealed by your only suggested change to society: legalising prostitution.
Basically your belief system is that everything good for women was 'won' by the wonderful feminists, and all men need is a hooker to keep em happy. Not fair treatment. Not proper education, a fair chance of a stable family, fair legal treatment, a decent level of respect. Nope, none of that: just more hookers.
Very revealing of your view of men and boys.
darren, you are being very unfair.
i said legalising prostitution would be a start, i didnt say it was the solution to everything.
i think initially there were some good ideas, exclusively for women, that came from feminism.
as it grew older, it turned into a hate movement.
feminist women need to learn to consider men, its something they have never done.
i doubt it will happen, because it would mean them having to apologise for all the man hating they have been doing over the past couple of decades.
but, feminism has improved my life, i know it has, so i wont ever say its all wrong.
what IS wrong at the moment, is that feminism has been replaced by man hating, and men so far, have not done anything about it.
men still have no had their 'gender' movement. is that such a bad thing to say?
by Luciavega:
..... also be aware that without feminism, neither of your daughters would have been allowed to go to university....
Something is here wrong - the gender of my children was not relevant. The question was, who will pay the bills (about USD 1500,- x 2 children x 4 years)
These bills were paid by the father (who is not university educated), and if these bills were not be paid, my children, regardless to their gender, would not be able to continue their studies in private universities in Europe, Japan and USA. - Feminism has nothing to do with it - only what counts is the money.
by Luciavega:
they are both in full time work, because feminism fought for women to have those rights. they do not need to extort money from men, because they can earn it for themselves, thanks to feminism..
Your statement reads, like all women were poor and all men were rich in the past and only feminism changed that.
However if you read back in history, you will find many royals and influencial people, who were women. These women (some made it up to 'queen' or 'empress') had much more power than an ordinary man at that time. Same is true to America, white women, who often controlled business related to trade or farms, had much more to say than black male workers.
To be powerful is not about your gender, but about your position in society, and without doubt, women in the past were often in a position to order certain men what they have to do.
Look back to England and Italy during the Barock area around 1700.
Not only female royals, but most opera singers and theater performers and other artists were educated women, some of them considerable rich.
For sure, even 100s of years back, women were not that powerless as you try to explain it to me. Some were rich and influencial, and some were poor - same with men - depending on their birth status, education, property...
Feminism is serving nowadays only some certain females, they are mostly Caucasians and financially fairly good-off.
Feminism does not serve any poor Filipina or Latina - Or do you want to explain to me, that feminists are paying a special good salary to their maids, who are doing all these cooking, cleaning and baby-sitting for them?
"To be powerful is not about your gender, but about your position in society"
i agree that gender is secondary to wealth, but a rich man had more power than a rich woman.
a poor man had more power than a poor woman.
didnt marx call women, the slaves, of wage slaves?
you make some good points yohan,
but im not sure what you are trying to convince me of.
If women were men's slaves, how come it was mostly men who died in the Titanic disaster? Can you think of any disaster in history where the slave owners saved their slaves first at their own expense?
If women were men's slaves, how come at the height of the industrial revolution, there were laws to protect women and children from having to work dangerously long hours in factories and mills, but no such laws to protect men?
If women were men's slaves, how come its always been the men who were sent off to fight and die in wars?
Sounds to me like your just another man-bashing Marxist feminist. Talk about out of touch with reality! :-(
By the way, its no wonder that young men withdraw from society when women think like you do. The answer to your question is in yourself!
By Darren:
If women were men's slaves, how come its always been the men who were sent off to fight and die in wars?
It is not only about war. Men were and are sent to any dangerous jobs, even those, which have nothing to do with war at all.
Think about off-shore drilling nowadays, or think about commercial shipping in the past during the colonialization.
By Lucia Vega:
i agree that gender is secondary to wealth, but a rich man had more power than a rich woman.
You should study about history.
For example Queen Victoria had much more power than her husband Albert, who had the titel Prince Consort. And of course she had more rights than anybody else.
The first female ruler of the Kingdom of England was Empress Matilda (1139) - she was able to arrange military forces and fought even wars against her own relatives.
Even here in Asia we have such examples, for example Go-Sakuramachi (died 1813) was the first reigning empress of Japan in her own right.
In USA, Evalyn France in 1898 was the first woman president of the national Bank in Maryland. At that time she was already widow.
If you need more examples, let me know.
by Lucia Vega:
didnt marx call women, the slaves, of wage slaves?
As we see in history, and I gave you examples, these women for sure were not slaves...It is difficult for me to consider a female president of a national bank in 1898 as a wage slave.
Some women are rich and have power over other people. Some women are poor and have nothing to say.
This was always so, and there is no relation with the feminist movement.
look, you argue all you like about what happend in the past, the truth is that its irrelevant now.
the way i see it is that things were bad enough for women that they started a movement to make changes, feminism.
since then, things have changed for women, and now, the problem is for men, its now men that are in problems and they need to do something about it..
going on about the titanic, or men that died in wars 100 years ago, is not really important anymore.
the one common impression i get of MRA is that you all hate being men so much that you'll do anything to justify your suffering. You empathise with men who died on the titanic, but not with women who fought to get what they want.
perhaps you need to stop and think, what is it that is missing from our lives, that makes us so upset and unhappy. What can we do, here and now, to change that for ourselves.
going on about the past, whether or not you are right or wrong does not matter. Stop identifying with men who died years ago, and get your own lives by the reigns and start making things better, for you.
i can try and speculate what is missing for men, but ultimately, despite trying, i just don't fully understand what is important for a man. Thats why i can only hope that you do it for yourselves.
its a long winding path that you have to take and there will be lots of people trying to persuade you one way or another.
but to find out whats wrong, sometimes you might have to listen to women, even if you hate them so much that even someone like me who is pretty much on your side, is a 'feminist'
Much of feminism and man-bashing, as it operates in the real world, derives its power from indoctrinating people into believing that women were oppressed in the past by men, and that therefore, to some degree or other, anything that can now 'even up the score' is fair game. This is how injustices against men get justified in women's minds. And therefore this is one of the key points that men need to counteract in order to see an improvement in how women and 'the system' treats them. Incidentally, this insidious lie is the same tactic that the Nazis used in order to turn ordinary Germans against their Jewish neighbours. They said that the Jews had been conspiring for centuries to oppress the other races. If you do not study history, you are doomed to repeat it. An individual, or a civilisation, without memory is unintelligent and blind to reality.
Now, you cannot on the one hand just make such broad statements about women in the past, then dismiss with the other hand any attempt I make to defend the reputation of my Grandfather's and Great-Grandfather's generations without me facing the conclusion that you don't actually care about the truth, but just want an excuse to play the victim. When someone presents you with facts or a counter-argument you effectively stick your fingers in your ears and say "I don't care about the facts, I want to believe that men are nasty and thats all there is to it. Nah-Na Nah-Na na!". This clearly is not proper argumentation, but childish posturing.
Furthermore, by affirming this great lie, you are part of the problem, not the solution.
You're admonition that I shouldn't empathise with the generation of my great-grandfathers is highly revealing, in my opinion. Particularly in light of your admission that you are unable to understand (and therefore empathise) with men.
Finally, just because I lend my voice and time towards campaigning for greater justice does not mean that I don't want to be a man or that I don't have a grip on the reigns of my own life. Utter nonsense. It is precisely BECAUSE I have a firm grip on those reigns that I am able to muster the concentration, time and effort into this activism to help my fellow man.
well maybe your right darren,
maybe i should just shut up, stop talking about men at all and concentrate on how i can selfishly make my own life better with my feminist sisters, at mens expense.
obviously everything i write is against men and hinders them so maybe i should just keep out.
perhaps when you've removed all women from the planet and you have created total male domination, you might just remember that not everything in the world is masculine, and not everything masculine will make you happy.
i know what your saying about history telling us a story, but sometimes, to move on, people have to open their minds up to new things. That includes the people you look upto and the people you dislike..
Because I campaign for better and fairer treatment for men and boys and for the family structure I therefore wish to remove all women from the planet and I think that everything in the world is masculine?
Are you serious?
I'm open to talking to people who have an honest and sincere interest, but I can see you're just a time-waster/game-player. I'm outta here.
By Lucia Vega (for Darren)
the one common impression i get of MRA is that you all hate being men so much that you'll do anything to justify your suffering.
This is for sure incorrect, and sounds like slander. - MRA are not hating women and are not hating men (themselves) - many of us are (or were) married and have children.
MRA are however often mistrusting out of bad experiences with Western women.
by Lucia Vega (for Darren)
get your own lives by the reigns and start making things better, for you.
This is what we are doing, but Western feminists do not like that we are going our own way.
For example, we consider to marry a foreign wife and to have children with her, to move to overseas, to stay single and ignore Western women totally and so on. - Men are working, men are earning money, and we advice men to use their money carefully - Do not create a family with a Western woman, as the risk is too high.
We cannot talk about equality, if the female partner has the right to reject the male partner anytime and take over all his assets even by using false allegations, not to talk about side-effects like paternity fraud and finally to insist on alimony and child-support, despite the ex-husband is not the biological father - this is surely not, what we consider to be a family.
im a western woman yohan, i have a family and we all do as much as we can for each other, my partner is spanish.
you're right, that there are lots of laws and things, that make getting married a real risk for men, paternity fraud, divorce settlements, etc, but i dont think you realise or accept the risk that it leaves for a woman too?
when we marry and have children, if our husbands decide they dont like us anymore, nobody wants us.
the older we get the less attractive we are to men, the more children we have the less men want to be with us. We are replaced by younger more attractive women. How would you feel if that happend to you? men are lucky in the sense that unless they are very old, or very screwed up they can remain attractive for along time.
i know women who are in relationships with people who always comment on what is wrong with them, they have too many wrinkles, too fat, too thin, too ugly, too boring, bad fashion sense, whatever. They have to live with someone telling them how awful they are. I think women have different self-histeem problems than men, when men reject us, it can ruin our lives for decades. I think it drives some women to become radical feminists. Which is why i think lots of MRAs are men who have been hurt by women at some point.
they cant cope with rejection by women, so just like the radical feminists, they learn to hate and mistrust them with all the hate they can muster from within themselves.
im not making excuses for women, but it is a two-way process. We need to understand each other better and listen to each other, before we can start to correct the obvious problems between men and women in western society.
feminism obviously has to be stopped because it is damaging the relationship between the sexes, but im also aware of the potential further damage the MRM might do.
by lucia vega:
.....there are lots of laws and things, that make getting married a real risk for men.... but i dont think you realise or accept the risk that it leaves for a woman too?
when we marry and have children, if our husbands decide they dont like us anymore, nobody wants us.
The risk for the man is much higher, in case of problems he has to move out, his property will become the property of his ex-wife and further he has to pay alimony and child-support for decades.
Women do not have such a financial risk.
by lucia vega:
the older we get the less attractive we are to men...
You should be happy about it - feminists always let us know, that they can do it without men.
Why should a woman look for marriage?
Seriously spoken, I can only advice young women to choose their man carefully - this will reduce the risk of divorce considerable.
Do not look at men just on their surface: If he has a big car, ask him, if it is paid - if he has a big house, ask him, if he is the owner or if he pays rent - if he offers you expensive gifts, ask him, how he will be able to pay back the debits on his credit card despite his small income.
If you are careful with a man, your age as a married woman should not be an issue with your husband.
About myself, I am married to an Asian woman since over 30 years after failing totally to find even a girlfriend in my own country for 30 minutes.
Most Western men are quite happy for women to be treated equally on merit; but feminists will never accept that because underneath all their rhetoric they're well aware that men are better than women at most things. Hence they demand equality of outcome, rather than equality of opportunity; for example, half of company CEOs must be women, even though they're far less qualified than men who apply for the job and female CEOs have generally been a disaster in companies whose products aren't primarily female-oriented (just look at HP for a glaring example).
Or perhaps I should say 'were', because the backlash that's growing against the treatment of men in the last few decades is turning more and more men against Western women in general. Men who see the jobs they should have had given to women who are less capable than they are are only going to get pissed off. Men who can no longer be themselves in their workplace because the slightest comment when a female worker is around could see them sacked for 'sexual harassment' (even if it's something as simple and complimentary as 'you look nice today') are going to start looking at women as their enemy.
Feminism only exists so long as men are willing to put up with it, and our patience is running out. As I pointed out on my blog, if feminists want a 'gender war', they will lose. Even if Western men choose not to fight, the feminisation of Western culture is handing our countries over to Islam, and Sharia law will leave Western women dreaming of a return to the EVIL PATRIACHY in the West where EVIL MEN put control of the most powerful Empire the world had ever seen in the hands of Queen Victoria, and sacrificed their own lives on the Titanic so their wives and children would live. You need competent men to save you from a fate far worse than being a house-wife.
Frankly, I am utterly sick of women whining about how badly they were treated in the West prior to feminism. The so-called 'patriachy' put men at the service of women for the sake of their children, not the other way around. I'm increasingly happy to see Islam take over if it will finally make the bloody feminists stop whining about how our grandfathers oppressed them.
"they're well aware that men are better than women at most things"
men are better at the things they identify with, and women are better at the things they identify with.
that is where the confusion starts.
women might be crap at building walls, but men are crap at articulating feelings.
women might be crap at kicking footballs, but men can never wipe their bum properly.
it all depends what you value. So i think your wrong, i dont agree that feminists think men are better than them. quite the opposite. The truth is, that both sides are a bunch of intolerant idiots who have no ability to identify with the opposite sex.
alien you make lots of points, but not very much is constructive.
how do you think you can solve the problems you outline?
"women might be crap at building walls, but men are crap at articulating feelings."
No, we simply don't care about 'feelings'. We have logic, which is about a thousand times better.
"i dont agree that feminists think men are better than them. quite the opposite."
Then why do they continually demand special rights for women? More to the point, why do they spend their lives trying to be second-rate men?
Funny, isn't it, that the goal of a 'feminist' is to be able to act just like a man? Why do they hate women so much?
"how do you think you can solve the problems you outline?"
I'm not sure there is any way to solve it in the time we have available; Western culture has been almost totally feminised and the process has probably gone much too far for anything to be resolved without a major social collapse somewhere along the way. As you say, today's boys are withdrawing from our culture because there's nothing in it for them, and they've largely been separated from the fathers who could have brought them up decently. If they can't be masculine in a productive manner, they'll be masculine in a destructive manner; you only need to take one look at your local chav estate to see where that leads.
Fortunately, since I'm male, the thought of a major social collapse doesn't worry me too much; I can look after myself. Most women can't.
The great thing about the EVIL PATRIACHY was that it tied men into being masculine in a productive manner by marrying them off and making them work to support their wives and kids; that's why it was so successful that the same behaviour spread across most of the planet. Take that away and we rapidly revert to primitive tribalism where women were just trophies for men who attacked and defeated other tribes. I don't think you or your daughters will like that life much.
Actually, after further thought, I've made a post on that subject on my blog. But I still don't see much hope of anything changing before it's too late.
i'll have a look
A thought provoking post generally, but this is an out and out lie:
"i hope that one day, the MRA's and the feminist, will see their common interests."
MRAs and feminists do not have a single common interest. They are opposed to each other in every way.
Also, this apologism for feminism, dividing it into the unrepresentative "haters" overshadowing the "moderates" is unacceptable:
"feminism has also developed in a similar way, we are left with a 'cliche' of women, normally rabid man haters, who dont want anyone to join their club. At least, anyone who disagrees with them."
Feminism must be recognised for what it is.
The movement to establish Matriarchy.
The movement in which the masses of women express their hatred for men.
If you don't recognise this you are talking nonsense.
"Much of feminism and man-bashing, as it operates in the real world, derives its power from indoctrinating people into believing that women were oppressed in the past by men, and that therefore, to some degree or other, anything that can now 'even up the score' is fair game."
No. This is a lie peddled by feminists over and over again.
Feminism has nothing to do with past oppression of women, real or imagined. The drive for feminism comes exclusively from women and their desire for power, and their desire to establish Matriarchy.
I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing
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