this is supposed to be my final post on the freak show....oops i mean the mens movement. I feel like its time to move on to find something else to interest me..
i've been involved in two forums, and the truth is, i don't feel like i've come across more than 2 or 3 people who are involved in productive relationships with the opposite sex. The people involved in these forums are mostly life's losers and they want revenge. Just like the radical feminists before them, some may eventually move on, others, are intent on destruction. All are unhappy and all hate women.
its quite interesting to look at the contradictions within their stories..
when i went out on sunday with A. and my daughters to the local festival, all i saw were families, dads and mums, kids playing. Its all normal isn't it. We are normal aren't we..
Then, when i go to work, i teach lots of men languages, and they smile, take part and generally enjoy themselves, and yet..
when i enter in a mens rights forum, all i hear is sob stories about how they've been abused by this that or the other. How hard they have it, how awful women are. All i hear are insults, aggression and nastyness towards me.
men in reality like me, men in mens rights forums hate me. Interesting isn't it, how desperate people, normally have to drag others down to their level.
you know, whenever i go down to the local supermarket, i see well dressed, handsome young men, and yet..
when i enter in a mens rights forum all i hear are men who probably don't brush their teeth or cant even wipe their bum properly. Its not womens fault you are ugly and you stink. (of course there is one exception, i hope he knows who he is, his name begins with D and...)
most women want to have loving relationships with people who understand us, not with people who cannot tolerate us. Thats why these men are all alone, intolerance. They are intolerant of women, and they use 'male rights' as an excuse to put forward their real agenda...
why is it, that if i am so clever, and so brilliant, why does nobody love me? Why am i alone and yet all these entitlement fruit cake princess women are not.
yes thats the question you have to ask yourself macho man, and the answer is pretty simple.. its because you are thick, and intolerant, and you are not a woman and you are not capable of understanding a woman. You cannot understand love, you can only understand dominance. You define reality through agression, not through caring. You are a loser and feminism destroyed you 50 years ago.
your only understanding of relationships is one of break down and pain. If i was married to one of you, i would escape with my children too..
yes, its your male ego, not women, that has destroyed any chance you have of happiness. Well, tough shit. I don't care anymore. You're the losers, and im bored of you.
and always remember..
for every screw up in the mens movement, there are 50 involved in normal productive relationships with western women. I, just like most women i know, believe in the majority of men, not the extremist freaks like you..
and before you tell me about how some women are involved in the mens movement, just to add..
for every screw up woman in the mens movement, there are 500,000,000 who are happily getting on with their lives thanks to feminism and the women who put themselves on the line for us in the past. we are normality, and you are..well.. freaks?
i feel like its time to finish here. Its upto you, men, you either listen to women, like me, who are the majority in reality, but the small minority in your world, and move on and maybe learn something new..
or you listen to macho man, at home in his anonymous forum. Laugh with him while he insults women, but become afraid to show your face, an outcast in reality. While he consumes your soul bit by bit you will end up like him, bitter, lost and lonely. You'll even say you don't believe in relationships anymore.
its upto you but im bored and its time for me to move on.
i've been involved in two forums, and the truth is, i don't feel like i've come across more than 2 or 3 people who are involved in productive relationships with the opposite sex. The people involved in these forums are mostly life's losers and they want revenge. Just like the radical feminists before them, some may eventually move on, others, are intent on destruction. All are unhappy and all hate women.
its quite interesting to look at the contradictions within their stories..
when i went out on sunday with A. and my daughters to the local festival, all i saw were families, dads and mums, kids playing. Its all normal isn't it. We are normal aren't we..
Then, when i go to work, i teach lots of men languages, and they smile, take part and generally enjoy themselves, and yet..
when i enter in a mens rights forum, all i hear is sob stories about how they've been abused by this that or the other. How hard they have it, how awful women are. All i hear are insults, aggression and nastyness towards me.
men in reality like me, men in mens rights forums hate me. Interesting isn't it, how desperate people, normally have to drag others down to their level.
you know, whenever i go down to the local supermarket, i see well dressed, handsome young men, and yet..
when i enter in a mens rights forum all i hear are men who probably don't brush their teeth or cant even wipe their bum properly. Its not womens fault you are ugly and you stink. (of course there is one exception, i hope he knows who he is, his name begins with D and...)
most women want to have loving relationships with people who understand us, not with people who cannot tolerate us. Thats why these men are all alone, intolerance. They are intolerant of women, and they use 'male rights' as an excuse to put forward their real agenda...
why is it, that if i am so clever, and so brilliant, why does nobody love me? Why am i alone and yet all these entitlement fruit cake princess women are not.
yes thats the question you have to ask yourself macho man, and the answer is pretty simple.. its because you are thick, and intolerant, and you are not a woman and you are not capable of understanding a woman. You cannot understand love, you can only understand dominance. You define reality through agression, not through caring. You are a loser and feminism destroyed you 50 years ago.
your only understanding of relationships is one of break down and pain. If i was married to one of you, i would escape with my children too..
yes, its your male ego, not women, that has destroyed any chance you have of happiness. Well, tough shit. I don't care anymore. You're the losers, and im bored of you.
and always remember..
for every screw up in the mens movement, there are 50 involved in normal productive relationships with western women. I, just like most women i know, believe in the majority of men, not the extremist freaks like you..
and before you tell me about how some women are involved in the mens movement, just to add..
for every screw up woman in the mens movement, there are 500,000,000 who are happily getting on with their lives thanks to feminism and the women who put themselves on the line for us in the past. we are normality, and you are..well.. freaks?
i feel like its time to finish here. Its upto you, men, you either listen to women, like me, who are the majority in reality, but the small minority in your world, and move on and maybe learn something new..
or you listen to macho man, at home in his anonymous forum. Laugh with him while he insults women, but become afraid to show your face, an outcast in reality. While he consumes your soul bit by bit you will end up like him, bitter, lost and lonely. You'll even say you don't believe in relationships anymore.
its upto you but im bored and its time for me to move on.
bloody hell i get a bit involved in things sometimes dont i
Yes, You sure seem to have a great deal of what I would call natural curiosity!
As one sociologist to another, I have to say though, much as I admire your study of the mens movement as represented by one forum, I think you have perhaps affected the outcome of many of your findings..
If you go looking for particular "negative" stereotypes, and highlight them and cast harsh judgement upon them, then, the results will be pretty predictable I think!
The fact is, there are a lot of badly damaged men out there, and many MRA's fall into this group..
Some would say it is pretty cruel to goad them without considering that they just may have suffered a hell of a lot..
After all, how many people would challenge the statements and reactions of women who claim to have been, for example, sexually abused, raped, or beaten for example?
If one goes down that road, then, the outcomes can usually be predicted I think!
Actions lead to reactions, to over-reactions, to personal attacks..
But, at the end of the day, remember, its all just words in cyber space and its not "real"..
I like the way you have highlighted that the majority of men you encounter in everyday "real" life dont seem to be anything like the MRA's..
I think that you have done well to hang in there.
I think those gents need you...
In a strange sort of way..
I think they also respect you..
So... men aren't getting systematically screwed in divorce courts? Theres no fatherless-children problem in society? The high suicide rate amongst young men doesn't exist?
These things are just in our minds. The only real problem is that we don't wash.
Well, what a real fuckin' genius you are.
how many people would challenge the statements and reactions of women who claim to have been, for example, sexually abused, raped, or beaten for example?
I think that if your willing to make such an horrific acusation, then you have to be prepared to stand up to scrutiny.
if it's true, you have nothing to be afraid of, do you?
I like the way you have highlighted that the majority of men you encounter in everyday "real" life dont seem to be anything like the MRA's..
MRAs completely resemble the feminists they hate so much. They discount any man that disagrees with them by calling them a lesser being, or a mangina.
This is exactly the same way that feminists called margeret thatcher a man, or called women who liked staying at home with children brainwashed.
i don't think they represent the majority of men that they claim.
The high suicide rate amongst young men doesn't exist?
anonymous 06.35:
some men want to take their own lives, but the vast majority don't. Why are you not focusing on the reasons they want to live, instead of the reasons the suicidal ones want to die.
what is good about being a man these days?
You're a fucking idiot. I really really can't believe I gave you the benefit of the doubt when Fred X bashed you before he left. How wrong I was.
By the way, very few of us hate women. I like women just fine, and women like me back. I only hate feminists and bitches.
I for one never respected you. Then again, you were always transparent. No matter, though. Just remember the law of 3.
feministscum, i never gave you any benefit of any doubt, but as someone who claims to get on well with women, perhaps you can answer this question..
what is good about being a man these days?
kellymac, your respect is not something that really interests me, you don't have any for yourself, so why would you have any for me.
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