anyway, a friend of mine, K., just got back from australia and she says that she wants to drive across the continent, apparently there is a road right through the middle..
.so, i got on google earth, found the road and did the journey myself! it only took five minutes though..
.isn't australia a strange place, its like 1000's of miles of orange sand, with some bushes, and then this lonely little road going all the way through the middle.

it got me thinking, how lonely some places in the world are. Apparently the most remote island in the world is called bouvet island. I guess its pronounced in a french way, like "boo-vey"? Its like an iceberg with an anchor!!
apparently, its so far away that the nearest place is antarctica and that has no people living there either? There is a thread now about it in my forum:
anyway, this is my solution to the gender problem.
get all the MRA's and radical feminists, put them in a big wooden pirate ship and make them row all the way to bouvet island, and then make them stay there for ever and ever and ever!! Maybe they will evolve into penguins!!?
i bet they'd end up having sex with each other!! hypocrites eh?
don't penguins only live in the north pole?
I just found out they are only in the Southern Hemisphere. My bad.
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