something thats been getting on my nerves a bit lately, is every time i speak to a bloke about gender relations, im met by a torrent of abuse about how women supposedly are. I feel like they direct it at me! yeah.. its all my fault isnt it?
and you, of course! are blameless arent you!
its all her fault isnt it my little one!
anyway, i sit there twiddling my thumbs, umming and erring and feeling a bit uncomfortable while thinking.. you just dont have a clue do you! you are so blinded by your hatred of women that you can't even see it when one is sitting in front of you who doesn't fit your stereotypes!
women are materialistic, intolerant, illogical, nasty, bitchy, blah blah blah, ma ma ma, ba ba ba...
well... next time you've been married to the entire 3 billion women in the world, then maybe we'll talk about that eh? Its not my fault you've got no taste, is it?
im getting rather bothered by hearing this again and again. Im not a human punch bag, and i have feelings too you know? no... you dont know do you!
Im not the type of person to start arguments but one of these days im going to tell them exactly what i think of men! and im going to tell it to them as if it were there own personal fault and that they are responsible for it..
if we are to get on, somewhere someone has to compromise.. and its not going to be me forever is it my sunshine?
im starting to lose my patience a bit and its not like me.
i really dont know if they are talking to me, or talking through me or what they are doing.
hello! im here hello!! can you hear me! angry man!
next time this happens im going to say that three times and maybe they'll go away and leave me to face my fate in peace..
Gender relations eh?
What a topic!!
I think many folk who have problems relating well to the opposite gender probably have at least as many problems relating to their own gender!!
i dont know drex its all very complicated isnt it?
i dont see how being angry woman or angry man is going to help anyone much really
i should write about something else
And now you know what it feels like to be male in todays world. We are blamed for everything, accused of everything, and assumed to be identical to the ill males of society. As you said, I didn't do it to you, so why am I being blamed... so to speak....
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