Friday, 30 May 2008


war.. is not honour, war.. is not valor, war.. is not sacrifice.

war.. is killing, war.. is hurt, war is aggression and war is empty

soldiers aren't heros, soldiers aren't brave

soldiers are manipulated, soldiers are murderers and soldiers are cowards

if there were no soldiers there would be no wars.


lucia vega said...

war might be part of your world, but at least for now, its not part of mine.. i dont know of any other living creatures that start wars so they can maintain control over the oil!

You're quite right. Men who sacrifice themselves are stupid. I'll make a run for it, even if it means leaving you and your loved ones undefended.

good, then at least you are cleverer than your friends, there is hope for you yet!

lucia vega said...

i think that in the first world war they died because they prefered to run into machine guns than lose status and reputations with their friends and be called a coward, just like a woman!

and i got banned for that? perhaps it is men who do not value their own lives, and those of their friends..

Anonymous said...

As long as one person or group (man or woman) wishes to force their opinion or way of living upon a Man*** who wishes not to live that way nor obey that opinion there will be War.

Death To women's Rights.
Viva Men's Liberties.

***While women will attack Men if they have other Men to do the attacking, and attack other women if they have the impetus to do so, they do not counter attack based on idealogical values: ie: they are cowards (so am I as I have not defended myself is such a way either, nor do most men, but some Men do fight to defend themselves and their beliefs and wishes and hopes)

lucia vega said...

almost any fruit

you know, your answers say alot about you, miss

Otis the Sweaty said...

Hey Fruits, how's life?

Here is a video of a cute baby seal. Unfortunately they are hunted in Canada so make sure to boycott all Canadian products from now on.

Anonymous said...

Astounding ignorance. Those forced into wars have never been given a choice. If they were it was either execution(often of others close to the conscriptee) or participation.

@Miss Ondrya...
Forty percent of those killed in the witch hunts were male and two thirds of the accusers were female.

Appropriate reading can be found at

Anonymous said...

Good words.