what is the experience of a fruit cake woman who goes into a male dominated forum? what are her opinions on the people that inhabit them??
lets look on the bad side, first, maybe that way by the time i've finished writting this, all the huffing and puffing might have calmed down a bit...
some of the people in these forums, are men that absolutely hate women. They dont understand us at all. You say hello, and they call you a feminist. You say hi, and you suddenly become a misandrist..
they are not interested in what you say. They dont even read it. Their interest is in proving you wrong, you dont even need an opinion.
they write essays of dull boring uniciteful lectures and assume that they have now made you into the stupid, foolish little girl that they see all women as.... WAKE UP, im sorry baby, i know you fancy 16 year old girls, but not all women are neurotic teenagers..
then there are those that have long since become lost in the clouds of pointless intellectualism..
According to one's insular (severely restrictive) ideological entrenched "vested" beneficial perspective?To question my righteous perspective merely reinforces my position.Retards can be curious? Wiping my arse? You're confused analogy doesn't resonate any practical reality, it merely reinforces my position.
can anyone understand this? does this person have the faintest idea what he is talking about? no, of course not.
and yet, nobody seems to notice, he's one of the guys, he must be clever, because nobody can understand what he says right? i've come across several of these in my time. They normally have hair thats not been washed in a year, and maggots in the sofa..
if anyone ever needed a woman, then these are those people!!!
on the flipside, you do find nice guys, geniune lovely young men, who have been messed up by feminism and its evils. but they are not the majority..
so, i dont have the faintest idea how men communicate with each other, i've tried my best and i always end up arguing with them. Maybe they should go to a feminist forum, to understand how i feel. These guys dont seem to argue with each other. So it must be me...
I suppose i should stop trying to bridge the gender gap really. I dont really know why i do it, i guess im a sociology graduate who has turned into a bored housewife and a part time language teacher who feels alone and bored alot of the time. Most of the interaction i get during the day is with 2 year olds, i suppose i have to vent out my feelings somehow..
i dont think most of them understand just how hard it is to go into a forum inhabited by men who, on the whole, hate women and survive more than a week. Im someone that is not easily intimidated, and i have a quick responce when i see people are out of order. So, im quite proud of myself really, i suppose im doing ok.
I get addicted to reading the responces and i feel upset and happy and guilty and angry... all these things that i guess i dont feel enough in the life i lead outside the internet. Maybe thats the common ground i share with these people.
i dont really know what else to do right now, im kinda running out of ideas to talk about. i tried talking about sex and i dont think that men are really interested in what i think about it. I thought men thought about sex all the time?? what on earth they are thinking about is something i dont really know.
you know what else they do? they sometimes gang up on you..
i suppose they feel angry because they cannot express their inner hatred of women in the outside world, so im an easy target. Outside of the internet we have laws that stop people doing what they like, but on the internet its not quite the same. Maybe if they realised that i get upset when they all gang up on me, and i feel bad when all i feel im doing is trying to communicate and they seem to love arguing with me for it. Maybe they wouldn't dare in real life, maybe its good that they can vent their anger at a wierdo woman who in their opinion doesnt really get it does she?????
you know, i think im getting closer to the reason why i've been involved in this kind of thing lately. I really believe that inside every man, is a scared little boy who doesnt know how to express himself anymore. Nobody sees that little boy that he is inside, but instead they see this big, powerful, man.
How the hell can he express his pain, his fear, his insecurity, when everyone else is looking to him for security and comfort.
i really do feel sorry for men when they are in this situation. but you know, when i try to talk to them about it, when i try to get inside their feelings and worries, they tell me that i am callous, self-centred and emtionally bankrupt. What can i do? maybe i should just leave them all to become rambos, and duck while they kill each other.. it would be a terrible shame...
the mens movement has missed lots of things... why are they not learning to express their vulnerability, why do they hide behind ridiculous intellectual language, and hatred of women?? what is stopping them from saying.. hell we are humans too, and we need looking after and we need people who care about us?? why are they not telling women that women dont have to be feminists, and hate the world...
the more they get into it, the further they seem to get from saving themselves. They hate marriage, they hate love i suppose. They hate the idea of having children and understanding that not everyone is out to get them..
this is what i make of it, im just one person, and you know what, i think they like me underneath all the nastiness they throw at me. you know why i think that?? because i tend to like them... (and because only a fruit cake could go into a forum where they all argue with you and call you names and still think that they like you!!!)
i enjoyed it so far, so whatever i say in here guys, i hope you dont take it too seriously and too much to heart. You know, inside every feminist woman, is a scared little girl who wants to find love too.