<--- Alpha-Centauri, closest star to the sun
let me apologize, not all men are from pluto. Someone said to me that to say men were from pluto is a feminist way of saying that they are all wierd, like, they are further away from earth and therefore less in touch with reality..
well.. you know, my page is called from the planet neptune, and pluto, is an escaped satelite of neptune isnt it? so, maybe we should get on well then? I love astronomy, its my favourite thing, whenever i feel bad, i look up at the sky and think, this is a planet, and im this tiny thing on the planet, and out there, is space, and we know nothing really about it.. It kinda makes me feel better. My dad taught me the names of all the bright stars in the sky. I quite like pluto, but its not my favourite planet, i'll admit that much.
i think people should get to know me before they make assumptions about my "feminist tendancies"
anyway, i was feeling a bit upset last night when i wrote the below article, because i dont think men understand just how intimidating they can be sometimes. They have a bigger physical presence, in reality, and i think in cyberspace too. Its part of being a man that you are big, and part of being a woman that they are bigger than you.
so where is this going? i have been involved in a forum lately, here is the link i you want to read it http://mathews.me.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=4961
i've come to the conclusion that lots of men dont really understand their feelings very well, they tend to intellectualise them, and objectify themselves. I dont really know why they do this, i suppose, if you lose an argument, you dont get hurt so much? if you argue as if you were someone else, then they cant get down into your most intimate feelings can they?
either that, or men are from alpha-centaurai, and really have no feelings, are empty-vessels that spew out dictatory lectures on what superior creatures they are. Please guys, let me know which one it is, im really trying here...
im starting to understand this movement a bit better.. what we have, is alot of nice men, who have been treated badly by women for whatever reason, they are pissed off. Rightly so. Im scared that they are going to do protect other men who arent quite so nice, at the expense of women who are. Guys, i do believe in what you are doing. Men are not allowed to sit on aeroplanes next to children anymore. This really is a world gone mad, and whenever i've talked to men while out with my children, they are really fun. Men that like children are pretty cool really, they are easy to relate too.
these men have been stuffed by aload of bitchy idiot women, and lots of similarly idiotic men, who here the world paedophile, and screw up any relationship normal men might have with children who are not their own.
just remember, guys, feminists want you to view things along the lines of gender. They want you to think that all women are the same. Dont fall for their propaganda. Lots of women are thick, and spew out feminist stuff, but they dont really believe in it. If you learn how to communicate with them, perhaps you could help your movement. But, of course, that would mean becoming, anecdotal, and expressing feelings.... scared are we?
men, you have along way to go...
Don't give up. I hate to use a feminist cliché, but we're not all like that.
thanks canadian
I don't understand how you'd start out saying "Pluto is cool, I like Pluto, it's somewhat comparable to Saturn" and then end your piece with a self-righteous "men, you have along way to go..."
"They have a bigger physical presence, in reality, and i think in cyberspace too."
Well, if you walk into a room full of people who hold the same kind of convictions and views - sportspeople, boxers, left- or right-wing politicians - if you don't predominantly agree with them, you're going to feel a little intimidated. It's the same thing on the 'Net, and the same intimidation (albeit with a much more hostile reception) will be found if MRAs venture into feminist domains on the 'Net.
Not to mention this:
"either that, or men are from alpha-centaurai, and really have no feelings, are empty-vessels that spew out dictatory lectures on what superior creatures they are. Please guys, let me know which one it is, im really trying here..."
I said on some of your statements on AM you were "well into feminist territory"... Well that paragraphy is "entrenched" in feminist thought..
Would you like if I said here "you have a long way to go"?
hi mrn if you said that, id say, yes, of course i have a long way to go.
thats what my website is about, recognising that we really know very little about each other, and possibly even less about ourselves.
that paragraphy is a feminist one, but im asking a question, im not stating that i believe it. do you have feelings that can be hurt, and change all the time?
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