forget mars, men are from pluto.
it has just occured to me, that i really dont understand men AT ALL.
i make a joke and they reply with an essay saying why im wrong
i try and help them and they tell me im the enemy
i guess that there must be somewhere in their heads that clicks on when they are talking to men, and clicks off when they talk to women? i dont know.. please men, correct me if im wrong.
well, im not beaten im going to try more from now on. and if any men read this, it is NOT an attack on you, i just dont understand you very well, but at least im trying.
I think we love each other even if sometimes it is difficult to translate what we are expressing.
men are more logical.
i think thats not true, they are just more logical when it suits them.
in fact most "macho" activities actually are based on proving just how illogical you are
for example:
in fact most "macho" activities actually are based on proving just how illogical you are
for example:
Supporting a football team to the death that never wins
Driving a car to fast to prove yourself
shooting 32 university students and killing yourself
shooting 32 university students and killing yourself
men earned the right to vote
no, SOME men, 100's of years ago earned the right to vote. Men today did no more than any women did. They kinda forgot that while they took all the credit for what a group of unrelated men did 100 years ago.
i wont marry! im going to live alone!
how many times do they say this?
i dont believe that men can just turn of their emotions, maybe they would like us to think that. Men love women and women love men. I think the people that advocate this, advocate it because:
i dont believe that men can just turn of their emotions, maybe they would like us to think that. Men love women and women love men. I think the people that advocate this, advocate it because:
1) no woman in her right mind would EVER marry them (see gonzokid, SYG forum) and its better to be seen as not wanting to marry, than not BEING ABLE too..
2) they have been hurt somewhere by a woman, and they say they are not going to marry to try and hurt women, as a whole group
3) they are scared of marrying a woman that will then divorce them and steal everything. Well, women are scared of getting married too. You just have to make sure you dont end up with that type of woman! its not that difficult duh!
2) they have been hurt somewhere by a woman, and they say they are not going to marry to try and hurt women, as a whole group
3) they are scared of marrying a woman that will then divorce them and steal everything. Well, women are scared of getting married too. You just have to make sure you dont end up with that type of woman! its not that difficult duh!
you are one wierd bitch
Since men's voices are largely ignored by the media and culture in general, for some, I'm sure it's one of the only recourses they feel they have.
yes, i am wierd, thanks for noticing! you on the other hand, are anonymous!!!!
Don't end up with that type of woman? If cupcake suddenly decides she's bored she can take everything from him. THE LAWS ARE ON HER SIDE!! EVERYTHING!!! She can destroy his life and the 'laws' will not help him.
And gonzo has been to hell and back, so he has the right to be pissed. He doesn't bullshit, he tells it like it is. Too bad there are not more men like him and the others in Men's movement. You want to learn more about this movement? Open your ears and actually listen to what these men are saying! Do your own research, no one is going to spoon feed you. They have given you plenty of facts at anti-misandry, you don't believe them, then research and prove them wrong. But you can't.
selkie, i think gonzo is a moron. im sure he doesnt like me much either.
men and their facts.. obsessive arent they. Facts dont really mean anything if you dont have any common sense to interpret them.
im not a statistician and im sorry if i cant give you macho number based arguments. Its not me and its not how i work. Im not going to start now.
i worry that men are unaware that by objectifying everything in their lives, they never understand what they really feel about anything. They seem to think they need this massive movement against us nasty vile women, to find happiness. It didnt work for feminism did it? why are they special?
Im not an enemy of any man, i love men, and i always have. But im not a stary eyed naive person who is just going to believe everything they tell me either.
the only women most of them are willing to accept into their circles, are lapdogs who repeat everything they are told. unless you do that, you are labelled a feminist, and they turn their brains off.
(i apologise to other men in the MRA who arent like this, of which i've met some)
Going to live alone?
What other choice did I have as a young man from a rural area? Even counting men-women regardless their age in my region, there are clearly less women than men.- Young women may choose among many men, but young men surely cannot.
I had the choice between remaining single or to look out for a foreign wife.
Even if you find a local wife, you have to be worried about divorce. Laws are ALWAYS against the man. - She just gets everything, and you as man have to pay alimony and child-support, even if you are not the biological father and even if the wrongdoing was clearly on her side.
You said, men have to make sure not to end up with that type of woman...but how to do that? Any advice?
Why should WESTERN women be scared of getting married? Young Western women have sexual contacts with men as young as 13 years old, many young women around 25 years old have already sexual experiences with up to 100 boyfriends. Young Western women consider marriage/divorce as a lucrative business without any risk.
There are some honest women, however the majority of Western women considers men as a toy or a tool...use it, and if it is broken replace it with another...
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