Tuesday, 27 November 2007

im confused

i just realised im not banned anymore from antimislaundry.com. I went back there and i have to say im really confused about this whole thing. Part of me wants to go back in there, because i do believe in the family with men in it, i can see through lots of the lies some women and men have told, and i do believe in some of the things they talk about. I dont want people to feel bad, and unhappy. Its not right.

but, the problem is, im just about to say something when suddenly i think of all the men that have treated me badly in my life. Men who have treated me like i had no feelings and that i was a peice of shit. Men who have made me feel that i am worthless and that i have no value for anybody. Men who have made me wish i was dead.

How can i possibly support them? am i supporting them if i go back in?

they think they are something new, and yet all i really see is the same old know-it-all insensitive men that i have come to recognise and have developed a huge distaste for. Im so confused about it all. I just don't beleive them, i dont think they care about anyone? and yet for some unknown reason to me, i am still drawn towards them. Deep down, they dont care about each other.. do they? deep down, i mean...

its all lies isnt it, just like before? when it comes to an end, their ideas, theories and ego are more important than someone elses feelings arent they?

why should i let myself get involved in this again, open my heart again for people who do not care?

im asking a question here. nobody ever answers it, do they?

maybe its in my nature to be drawn to the people that treat me the worst..

its difficult isnt it? when you are not accepted for who you are..

im confused.. what do i do?


Anonymous said...

AM is not so much a group that you can "support" its just a web forum, with the theme that it is "Against Hatred of males"..

I think you probably wind certain folk up, and they wind you up..

You probably enjoy it..

Even if it is not too good for you!

lucia vega said...

your right drex, its not good for me. i hope they ban me permanently

Anonymous said...

Hi Lucia,

I care.

And I know you will gain so much from this experience if you have the ability to hang in there. I know I have.

You seem like a passionate person who believes in what is right. I think it is best to let your heart decide for you. If it feels right do it. If it feels wrong then don't.

Please remember that no-one can hurt you if you don't allow them to.

lucia vega said...

thankyou for your considerate and kind words julie, you are right its best to let the heart decide sometimes i just don't know whether it is my heart telling me what to do

Otis the Sweaty said...

Hey Fruitcake.

I haven't gone there lately cause I've been busy with other stuff and am just not that interested in anti-feminism right now (I get interested in it usually once every 4 or 5 monthes before getting bored and taking a while off) but if you go back just don't let anything they say bother you. There is a few cool posters there but there is also a lot of clowns, obsessing over them is a waste of valuable energy.

p.s.: look up n'kisi the parrot. He is so cute! You can find audio of him online.

lucia vega said...

thanks for such a sweet message otis, n'kisi is really cute your right!

Anonymous said...

I have been banned from AM by the tinpot dictator now. TMOTS seems to be running that forum now and he goes about his moderators duties with as much delicacy and accuracy as a bull in a china shop.

Basically, calling anyone on their bullshit and feminist appeasing is now sufficient grounds for banning..

Also, asking why folk have been steathily banned, when previously robust denials were made that the folk where NOT banned, is a bannable offence!

Seems that the forum is dominated by women who expect to have their tails licked and if not, they go into the predictable tizzy fit, practically having nervous breakdowns. Threats of losing the 2 women who want to use AM as their "balloon knot cleaning" forum seem more important than being aware of the threats to the forums integrity as a place for men safe from the sneaky feminisation agenda..

A couple of women on there are plying their own version of what they think should be the MRM agenda and like little poodles, seems the AM team cant help but pander to them..

If anyone wants to go on Antimisandry, you may find some good guys on the there, but it is looking increasingly unlikely as they are finding it hard to live up to expectations. Good men are finding the site unwelcoming to say the least!

I gather that there are unwritten rules on there that dont get pointed out, but undoubtedly get acted on..

1. Be nice to the ladies, even if they do post typical male shaming/patronising crap.. After all, the MRM needs these ladies as they claim they are doing all the work for them!!

2. Expect to be jumped on if you dont pander to the women, or, in any way suggest that being a woman means you cant really get the idea of the MRM..

3. Whatever you do, dont question the moderators, especially TMOTS and MARX, they no longer believe in anything like "free speach" and the rule is, well, whatever they decide as they go along.. There idea of explaining their course of action is now as good as "fuck you, we dont need to explain ourselves"..

4. AM has a clear agenda, that seems to be highly pro-statist and harsh on anyone who does not follow the pro-state-interventionis route.

5. I guess this is the way things always go.. Too few men take an interest, that leaves the women to dominate the scene.. The few men left are appeasing the women without realising how compromised they have become..

Shame, fucking shame!!

Hang your balls on the door before you visit!! Pick them up again on the way out!

Women loving Politically Correctness claims another forum!

lucia vega said...

hi drex, i cant believe they banned you!


what a mess eh?