well, i survived about 32 posts on stand your ground, and they all turned on me. I guess this is starting happen on the new forum?! oh well, ¿asi es la vida, no?
what these guys keep telling me, and, i am listening to them
what these guys keep telling me, and, i am listening to them
is that
i dont answer their questions, that
i dont back anything up with facts.
I really have tried my best to do what they ask, but im not so sure thats really what they want?
i cant back up arguments with facts, really, because i dont feel like im really making any arguments.
for example.
Fred X says that men get called up and die during wars.
i say, Fred, i dont see you on the front line (there is a war in iraq right?)
how am i supposed to back that up with facts? take a picture of fred at his PC to prove that he's not on the front line?
i dont answer their questions, that
i dont back anything up with facts.
I really have tried my best to do what they ask, but im not so sure thats really what they want?
i cant back up arguments with facts, really, because i dont feel like im really making any arguments.
for example.
Fred X says that men get called up and die during wars.
i say, Fred, i dont see you on the front line (there is a war in iraq right?)
how am i supposed to back that up with facts? take a picture of fred at his PC to prove that he's not on the front line?
i think what ultimately they dont like about what i am doing, is that i am not really against them. Their view of women, in my opinion, at this point, is that we are all "femcunts" or "femhags" who live in a different world to them, basking in our privilidges, spewing out hatred of men, and blaming them for everything we dislike about our world.
i dont fit into that category, so i must have some hidden agenda, some secret feminist plot hidden in my rucksack or under my bed.. well, i've searched my soul deeply and i still havent found that plot yet.. maybe they are right, i dont know. Maybe i am a feminist, and i never realised it? but then, maybe they hate women, and they never realised it either..
i suppose we are all learning aren't we?
What they havent heard despite however many times i say it, is that i actually agree with them for the most part, and that I really think that things have gone to far. Men DO need to stand together and fight injust laws.
however, its still ok to have fun along the way isnt it? apparently not, for some of them.
My website is not about support for the mens movement, they are more than capable of doing that themselves. I suppose im commenting on them from an outside perpesctive, why? because i am fascinated by men. Ive always been a bit of a rebel without a cause, so, i suppose in this world of feminism, i HAD to be the one that tried to understand men! when all my female sisters hated them!
I also think if they understood women a bit better, then we might end up with a nicer world at the end of it. Im trying to understand men better, i fail miserably lots of the time, other times i am right, and they tell me i am wrong.
you know i dont think we are that difficult to understand? the problem is that feminism has MADE us difficult to understand. Nobody sees us as individuals anymore, not even ourselves. We are "Women" not, "a woman". God i hate that, but i do know that lots of women like it.
the key to understanding the opposite sex i think lies in understanding first of all, that we are all totally different from each other. We then have to understand that we are different from each and every member of our OWN sex. I dont think, the mens movement has grasped this yet.. its not surprising... feminism NEVER did..
still i can only try and when the next lot hate me, i'll find another bunch of them to poke at with my chocolate pogo stick.
What they havent heard despite however many times i say it, is that i actually agree with them for the most part, and that I really think that things have gone to far. Men DO need to stand together and fight injust laws.
however, its still ok to have fun along the way isnt it? apparently not, for some of them.
My website is not about support for the mens movement, they are more than capable of doing that themselves. I suppose im commenting on them from an outside perpesctive, why? because i am fascinated by men. Ive always been a bit of a rebel without a cause, so, i suppose in this world of feminism, i HAD to be the one that tried to understand men! when all my female sisters hated them!
I also think if they understood women a bit better, then we might end up with a nicer world at the end of it. Im trying to understand men better, i fail miserably lots of the time, other times i am right, and they tell me i am wrong.
you know i dont think we are that difficult to understand? the problem is that feminism has MADE us difficult to understand. Nobody sees us as individuals anymore, not even ourselves. We are "Women" not, "a woman". God i hate that, but i do know that lots of women like it.
the key to understanding the opposite sex i think lies in understanding first of all, that we are all totally different from each other. We then have to understand that we are different from each and every member of our OWN sex. I dont think, the mens movement has grasped this yet.. its not surprising... feminism NEVER did..
still i can only try and when the next lot hate me, i'll find another bunch of them to poke at with my chocolate pogo stick.
They don't hate you. Some of
these guys have been badly burned by feminism, and they have their reasons.
Having read what you've said, you need to understand yourself before you can begin to understand women, or even men, and I think that your blog is one way of doing that.
Start with the realization that your treating gender relations as adversarial. Feminism turned us against each other, and you've picked up the fear of the opposite sex, which is what feminism wants you to feel. You need to realize that we're not supposed to be against each other. To your credit, you already know this, at least in part. But for now, try to focus on the idea that men aren't out to get you.
I agree with your [above] comments, but I also think this is something we men need to do as well.
However, women DO have an upper hand here...
Say, for example, a woman who fears men for whatever reason decides to step out of the shadows. Let's assume worst case scenario and it goes horribly wrong for her.
Well, she has the entire 'sistahood' (feminism), laws, centers, policies, etc. etc.
Now,swap over and let's a guy who fears women (that is, their potential for harming his humanity) but still decides to give it a shot in the hopes of being disproved.
Let's again assume worst case scenario.
Where does he go? Who does he talk to? How does he put it right?
He has no laws to assist him, no legal centers developed primarily with his interests in mind, no men's group per se (the chances of him even knowing they exist will be marginal), etc. etc.
Yes, we both need to step up - but we also need to weigh up the consequences.
hi canadian, i only just realised that you have the name aclaf in the other forum
thanks for your advice, i agree very much when you say, we are not supposed to be against each other.
what do you mean by stepping out of the shadows, anti misandy???
Step out of the shadows (I assume you're referring to the post in chit-chat) is asking for the lurkers to step up and register & make a post on the forum.
By signing up, they're showing the regulars (who make plentiful posts) that their efforts are noticed by those who do not participate so much, specifically the lurkers.
Look at the stats - you'll see hundreds & sometimes thousands of views... but 10..20..30 replies - always by regulars only.
So, it was asking them to step out of the shadows (of lurk-dom) into the realms of light and reveal themselves - just a tiny bit.
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