Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Men standing up for themselves?

Someone asked me to start a thread in an anti-misanry forum to talk about the mens movement. I nearly did but then i got really nervous and decided to write it in here instead.

what would i say to them?

the problem i have is that i dont know yet if i am an enemy or a friend of their movement. The part to which i am a friend, is that I really really want to see a world, in which men can take on feminine qualities. That being a male, is opened up to new things. I think that they have been denied this, and miss out because of it. I think that sometimes, there is a massive gap between what each individual man wants.

the part to which i am an enemy, is the men who want a return to a world in which men are dominant again. Macho man could return but this time he's going to kill all the women that get in his way, instead of showing a simpathetic ear like 50 years ago. Masculinity is closed down even further.

try driving in a tiny red peogeot 205, down a busy spanish motorway.

i get scared when i go past 90km/h. and you know what, in spain, where feminism hasnt really happend, and men ARE men... if you are on a motorway and there is only two lanes, and the overtaking lane is occupied and a big lorry comes up behind you?

These macho men will mow you and your children out of their way. They dont care about you, they really dont. I've never been so scared in my life, and it happens again, and again and again until you have driven the 25 km between Santander and Torrelavega.

I think its because they have never really seen feminism. If they hate their wife they beat her up. Spain has a real macho problem. I dont know, maybe they just want to prove to the world that they drive faster than you. Is this the male sense of logic they talk about? Not very logical really is it.

a little red roller skate!

Male logic, it seems, applies only when they choose to apply it. Something that men could learn.

Spain and Britain are too very different countries, but masculinity, can be as dangerous, and scary as what feminism has done.

So i think this: Masculine extremes and feminine extremes they can all go to hell as far as i am concerned.

so, am i a friend of a mens movement? absolutely not if it means that men become like rambo again. Some women find them attractive, i just find them thick. Men complain that the nice guy never gets the girl. Well, they never thought that macho man gets the rat girl did they?

many within the mens movement talk about not getting married, about rejecting western women. Well, that means they are rejecting me, and my daughters without giving us any chance. I suspect that alot of these guys are filled with hatred of women, maybe because they have not had much luck, or have been rejected at some point in their life. Men, let go of this, every woman is different, and some, are warm and caring. Dont draw lines along gender, that girl was a bitch. The next one doesnt have to be. Do you really believe we are all the same, as feminism has tried to convince you?

neither does rejection have to mean isolation. Isolation is what the radical feminists have. You know, some of them are so lost in their own self-righteousness, that they put up with being a lesbian, when they are really heterosexual. Thats probably why lesbo relationships are often quite violent. Imagine that, a whole life never having sex with someone that turns you on. You know what, radical lesbians can have their violent sexually frustrated utopia. I just hope that men dont make the same mistake. Men and women are good together.

i think that i want men to discover their inner femininity. Women discovered their inner man 50 years ago in britain. Now they are in a very good position. No women's life is perfect of course, but they can wear, act, and do masculine things, whenever they feel like it. Some choose not to, but then they have the choice. Men on the other hand, have only the old male role to fall back on, and it gets smaller and more restrained with each and every attack by feminism and its mangina friends.

i am scared that hatred of women is going to lead to the wrong men getting in charge of the mens movement. They will promote only super-macho values and the biggest losers? everybody. Gentle, emotional men, where do they fit into this macho utopia? do all women have to become prostituted rat girls?

i just dont understand where its going i suppose i should ask really shouldn't i?


Anonymous said...

Please take this to the antimisandry forum, no one will read it here. Its important and you need to debate this out.

lucia vega said...

how do i do that can i paste it in?

Anonymous said...

You can copy and paste your written text into a post box at antimisandry, yes.

lucia vega said...

whats your name on that forum anonymous im wondering who you are now. im pretty sure you arent fred x, celtic druid or marx after that i dont know

TimberWolf said...

Yes, this is a concern, and it's very troubling. Don't feel too bad about it though. I'm not even allowed on the anti-misandry forums.

lucia vega said...

they said in that forum they had never banned anyone, canadian, and seemed quite nice and wanted you to join i dont know what might have happend


TimberWolf said...

Correction: The anti-misandry forum doesn't allow people to register with 3rd party e-mail addresses. The problem is now resolved.

Anonymous said...

oQ52pI Hello! Great blog you have! My greetings!