Thursday, 5 April 2007

what have i seen so far?

what have i seen so far in the male rights movement?

i´ve spent a few months reading various blogs in here, and i´ve taken part in two forums so far. The first one i found was called I was surprised to read some comments in their that werent the normal male garbage that surrounds that type of thing (i.e. about blonde haired women, cars, and other boring things).

It seemed to me there were several men out there that were trying to start some sort of movement against feminism, and against the stupid idiot stereotype that men seem to have inhereted lately. It kinda gave me a new way of looking at things. I always found it strange that i could talk to men about things that affected their lives, i.e. rape, children, women... and they normally seemed immensely detached. I just supposed that men were not capable of personal thoughts. I think thats what alot of women think, they dont really get why men refuse to take control of their lives. but since i went in there i realised a few things. I liked reading some comments, one or two posters actually made me smile when i read their posts, so i got deeper and deeper into it.

i learnt what a blog was and then started reading the blogs of the members i had found, fieldmarshall watkins, christian j and one or two others. I liked what these guys were saying so i continued to read, and from there, i have found other blogs and im now kinda addicted to reading them, i cant wait to read the next post they write. It lead me to the website, which i entered assuming it would be something similar, but something i realised quickly there -

my nickname was decidly female (Fruit_Cake) and suddenly everyone hated me it didnt really matter what i said. LC_Vega is a pretty androgenous name, which is why i use it normally. It really knocked me back and i spent a week or two thinking, oh my god what have i got myself into, im selling my soul here. These guys HATE women. It scared the hell out of me. Since then i´ve decided, that perhaps i shouldn´t go around telling men how to lead their own movement. Now i think my role will just to be encourage, if indeed i have any role at all. Im still working that part out. (i have to do something to fill in the endless empty vacuum of life)

I think one thing that guys involved in this movement should consider, is what they want, and where they are going too? I think there are quite a few guys involved in this who have had bad experiences with women, and have confused that with a male rights movement.

Another thing is, that scares me most of all, is that OK, at the moment at least in the english speaking western world, Feminism is dominant. What kind of world would it be if it were dominanted by macho men? The guys in this movement have to be VERY VERY careful what they create. It seems alot of the guys i read would hate a world of masculine extremes, perhaps as much as they hate the feminist one?

as a female, it is very difficult to contribute to a male movement. Lots of them try, they mostly fail. I dont think they get it really. They dont understand that its difficult for a man to trust a woman in this movement. For my part, i think the best and maybe, only, thing i can offer to this movement is to ask the question to all men involved -


i ask that question because im not 100% sure that all of the guys out there have really thought about this one.


Anonymous said...

You may want to take specific questions about men and women and expectations in the Movement to the Antimisandry forum.

Don't take it personally, but there is caution with some women and it may be useful if you get to know the guys there.

I understand you had problems at SYG but don't worry, the Antimisandry regulars are more open to proper debate and reasonable dialogue.

lucia vega said...

thanks anonymous - its perfectly understandable that men treat women in this movement with suspiscion. It would not be right if they didnt.

I still dont know why im really interested in it, so you guys are not alone in thinking its strange.

perhaps men within this movement represent more than just a movement, but also have an ability to read between the lines, and call a spade a spade, where maybe other men have failed.

Anonymous said...

I understand your points and because you seem like a good woman I think you should lead a debate at Antimisandry. Give the guys something to go on in regards to you. I've noticed none of the guys have you linked and I think its a shame. My advice is to interact with them there and have an open debate and discussion.

lucia vega said...

thanks anonymous, i will do in time i just need a bit of time to get to know the place first.